Some life hacks that could come in handy.
Accept the consequences of a wrong decision
While we all want to make the right decision and one could go on about the “how” of making the right decision, one thing that has helped me just decide and make a decision is to accept the consequences of a wrong decision. More often than not, we are paralyzed by the fear of consequences of a decision.
Do something that comes easily to you
What do you want to get good at (I am referring to competitive skills)? Maybe you can’t decide what you want to do.
Cast a wide net and try different things.
Measure your progress and find out what comes easily to you.
Double down on this. Focus on this one thing. This way you could do something that comes relatively easier for you and set yourself up for success.
On making progress
Focus on one thing to achieve considerable results in that one thing. Just 6 months to one year of focused work could give you amazing results.
Have big goals
Have a goal larger than you and give it a genuine shot. Try to make it happen. Even if you end up failing, you would come out with invaluable lessons and most importantly develop an awareness of “potential” in you that you never knew existed.
Passion is overrated
What you are passionate about is not what you necessarily have to pursue. Get really good at something, it would overtime become your passion.
Before you purchase a book…
Before purchasing a book you are interested in, search for popular interviews, podcasts or blogs featuring the book's author (the author might have a blog too). You could learn a lot of the core lessons of the book from these alternate resources.
On giving up
Don't give up easily. Paradoxically, also know (or learn to know) when to give up.
Skill versus Talent
Skill is not talent. Skill is something you acquire overtime with hard-work. While there could be some amount of truth in talent (think of aptitude towards something), even the talented need practice to become skilled.
Bottom line: People good at or great at something are so because they honed it or learned through relentless practice.
One of the most unrewarding things to do is dedicate yourself to something that you’ve always been ‘bad’ at 😶